Women of Exchange Empowerment!
Sisters Embracing Sisters
WoEE is a team of Spirit-filled, God-fearing women sharing the message of Unconditional, Unrestricted, and Uninhabited Love to women and girls that are often living in heightened vulnerability to sexual abuse, substance use, domestic violence and other maladaptive behaviors.
WoE provides comprehensive spiritual wellness support and prevention education groups; implementing Evidence Based, Spiritual Based practices, and the 12 Spiritual Principles of recovery.
In addition, the Women of Exchange Empowerment provides Women’s Empowerment Brunches, Healthy Relationship Forums, Sisterhood Development Training’s and more.
WoE reaches out to women who may just need an ear, a sound suggestion, and or assistance in a life challenging situation. Our goal is to embrace, edify, encourage, educate, and most of all empower women and girls to be all what God has called us to be, and live life in wellness.

WoEE is a Component of the Divine Exchange Ministry
We have been given a major assignment, which is to teach the most profound principles of life: To look to a Loving God in Faith, for Fortitude and Freedom… By putting into practice spiritual principles for daily living, and we believe in order for one to receive a Divine Exchange, one must be willing to develop: A New Awareness… A New Acceptance… A New Agenda… And the promise is to gain and obtain A New Attitude!
Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus the Christ, to know Christ and to make Him known. We are in covenant relationship with Jesus the Christ to demonstrate His spirit through Embracing, Edifying, Encouraging, Educating, and Empowering His people. The end-time promise given to us in Daniel is, “but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God]” ”Daniel 11:32b (AMP)
Our Vison
We envision a multicultural growing community organization, to reach the unreached, to tell the untold, to impact citywide, statewide and worldwide the hope of the Lord, Jesus the Christ.